“Eternals” (2021)
In *Eternals* (2021), the story revolves around a group of immortal beings known as the Eternals, who have secretly lived on Earth for thousands of years. Created by the cosmic entities called Celestials, the Eternals were tasked with protecting humanity from a race of monstrous creatures known as Deviants.
The film begins with a prologue that introduces the Eternals and their mission. Over the centuries, they have subtly guided human history while remaining hidden from the public eye. However, after the events of *Avengers: Endgame* and the defeat of Thanos, the Deviants re-emerge, prompting the Eternals to reunite.
The plot follows the Eternals as they come back together to confront the renewed threat of the Deviants. As they work to stop them, they uncover startling truths about their own origins and their true purpose on Earth. They learn that their mission was part of a grander scheme devised by the Celestials, involving the cyclical creation and destruction of planets.
Key moments in the film include the Eternals’ reunion and the struggles they face due to their differing perspectives on humanity and their role in the universe. They are forced to confront the moral and existential implications of their long-hidden mission.
In the climax, the Eternals discover that the Celestials are planning to initiate a new cosmic event that would result in the destruction of Earth. They must decide whether to follow their original directive or to protect humanity at all costs. This leads to a dramatic confrontation and a reshaping of their understanding of their existence.
The film ends with the Eternals dealing with the fallout from their actions and setting the stage for future conflicts and explorations within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The story expands on the cosmic lore of the MCU and introduces new characters and themes to explore.