ORBITER 9 2017

The film is set in a future where Earth is in a state of environmental collapse. The story follows a young woman named Helena (Clara Lago), who has spent her entire life on a space station, Orbiter 9, orbiting Earth. She believes she is part of a pioneering mission to save humanity by finding a new habitable planet.
Orbiter 9 | Trang web Netflix chính thức
Helena’s life is disrupted when she encounters a technician named Alex (Alex González) who is sent to the station to perform repairs. As Alex and Helena interact, she begins to question the reality of her situation and the true nature of her mission.
As their relationship develops, Helena discovers that the space station and the mission are not what they seem. She learns about the true state of Earth and the real reasons behind her isolation. The film delves into themes of trust, deception, and the human need for connection in the face of existential challenges.
The plot unfolds with twists and turns as Helena grapples with the revelations about her life and her place in the world, leading to a dramatic and emotional resolution.